Call for Submissions

RISC-V Summit Europe brings together developers, architects, technical decision and policy makers from across the European RISC-V ecosystem. Attendees from academia, research, SMEs, industry, and open source communities will come together to exchange knowledge, ideas, technologies, and research shaping the future of RISC-V computing in Europe.

The event will have a single track of keynotes, invited and selected talks alongside an exhibition showcasing the latest developments across industry and research, including technology demonstrations and poster sessions. We invite blind submissions of extended abstracts related to RISC-V addressing the following technical topics of interest:

We also welcome non-blind submissions related to:

Important dates

The Steering Committee aims to provide a limited budget for stipends. More information will be made available on the conference website before the submission deadline.

Submission format

The submissions should be provided as a two pages extended abstracts, including bibliography.

Extended abstract template and instructions for submission are available at The Program Committee (PC) will accept most contributions as posters and selected submissions for short or long presentations. Accepted extended abstracts, slides, and posters will be published on the event page, together with presentations which will be recorded.

Guidelines for submission of technical topics for blind review

Submissions on technical topics are for blind review. Please do not include author information in the extended abstract. Submissions must have a strong focus on technical content outlining for example:

The PC may ask for the poster/presentation three weeks before the event to confirm the acceptance.

Guidelines for non-blind topic submissions

These papers should highlight RISC-V markets, policies, strategies, business and industry trends, or present publicly funded projects of interest to the RISC-V and open hardware community.

For these topics, make sure to name authors and their affiliation and include a short bio of all in the two pages extended abstract.

Diamond Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors