
Present your work

Presentations on inspirational ideas and technical progress are invited to present at RISC-V Summit Europe in Paris, from Monday May 12 to Thursday May 15th 2025.

Call for Contributions

RISC-V Summit Europe brings together developers, architects, technical management, business persons and policy makers from across the RISC-V ecosystem. Attendees from industry, academia, research, SMEs, and open source communities will come together to exchange knowledge, ideas, technologies, and research, shaping the future of RISC-V computing in Europe.

Taking place from 12-15 May 2025, in Paris (France), the event will have a single track of keynotes, invited and selected talks, alongside an exhibition showcasing the latest developments across industry and research, including technology demonstrations and poster sessions.

Submissions with a strong focus on technical content are invited, outlining for example:

  • Timely research advances.
  • Success stories.
  • Technical introduction to new technologies.
  • Experiences of contributions to, or adoption of RISC-V hardware and software in commercial, open-source or education environments.
  • Exposure of new research topics and PhD early stages.

Contributions may be submitted either for blind or non-blind review. The preferred review method is blind review. Non-blind should be left to contributions that are hard to anonymize, such as technical presentations of new commercial products or presentations of publicly funded projects. Any question whether a submission should apply to blind or non-blind review should be asked to the PC chairs at before submitting. Please note, an abstract may not be submitted to both review methods.

Important dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: Friday, February 7th, 2025, AOE (Anywhere on Earth). No extensions.
  • Author notification: Friday, March 7th, 2025.
  • Final abstract PDF and slides deadline: Monday, April 21st, 2025 (was Thursday, April 15th).
  • Poster PDF deadline: Monday, April 21st, 2025 (was Monday, May 5th).
  • RISC-V Summit Europe: Monday to Thursday, May 12th to 15th, 2025, Paris.

The accepted authors will have to get a paid registration (or a registration included in a sponsor package). The acceptance notification will be issued at least one week before the expiration of the early-bird time.

The Steering Committee aims to provide a limited budget for stipends. More information will be available on the conference website before the submission deadline.

Topics of interest

We invite submissions related to RISC-V addressing the following technical topics of interest:

  • Security and functional safety
  • Energy efficiency and green computing
  • High-performance computing
  • Embedded systems, IoT, edge computing
  • Automotive
  • Cloud computing
  • Open-source hardware and open silicon
  • Operating system and software ecosystem
  • Compilation and code optimization
  • Open EDA tools
  • Verification and formal methods
  • Systems-on-Chip, cores, RISC-V ISA extensions, accelerators, peripherals
  • Hardware/software co-design
  • RISC-V related educational activities
  • Technical presentations around development of new commercial products
  • Technical presentations for new applications
  • Technical success stories
  • Policies, strategies, business and industry trends
  • Overview presentations of publicly funded projects
  • Spin-off experiences: from research to industry
  • Important announcements related to RISC-V
  • Any other topic related to RISC-V and open stack (hardware or software)

Submission Format

Submissions should be provided as a max two pages extended abstract. Abstract template and instructions for submission are available here.

Contributions may be submitted for blind (recommended) or non-blind review. Submissions for blind review must be anonymized, removing any detail that may indicate the authors of the abstract or their affiliation. This information can be included in the final submission after acceptance. Non-blind review must only be used for contributions that are hard to anonymize, such as technical presentations of new commercial products or presentations of publicly funded projects. These submissions should highlight product RISC-V markets, policies, strategies, business and industry trends, or present publicly funded projects of interest to the RISC-V and open hardware community.

Sales or marketing pitches are welcome in the exhibition but are strongly discouraged in this call for submissions.

The RISC-V Summit Europe covers a broad spectrum of activities including academic, research, commercial, open-source, and proprietary – all abstract submissions are considered on a merit and non-discrimination basis by the program committee, made up of representatives across the RISC-V community, to build a well rounded schedule of talks across industry application and research areas. The committee will accept most contributions as posters and some selected submissions for short or long presentations. The submitted extended abstracts shall be publishable standalone short papers, not summaries for longer upcoming papers.

Accepted abstracts, slides, and posters will be published on the event page, together with presentations, which will be recorded. The Program Committee will ask for the poster/presentation before the event to confirm acceptance at the according deadlines.

Instructions for Accepted Posters

Preparation before the conference:

  • Posters shall be printed in A0 format in portrait mode.
  • Each presenter shall bring their own poster on site.
  • There is no template for posters.
  • Make sure that the poster is easy to read from distance and attracts people, use QR codes to link to more content.
  • At least one author of the poster must register for the core conference (Tuesday 13 to Thursday 15).

At the conference:

  • You will mount your own poster, no own tape allowed, you will get some.
  • Each poster will be displayed for a full day.
  • Presenters are expected to stand next to their posters during breaks and lunches.
  • The exhibition and poster area will be open only during breaks and lunches.