Present your work
Presentations on inspirational ideas and technical progress are invited to present at RISC-V Summit Europe.
RISC-V Summit Europe brings together developers, architects, technical decision and policy makers from across the European RISC-V ecosystem. Attendees from academia, research, SMEs, industry, and open source communities will come together to exchange knowledge, ideas, technologies, and research, shaping the future of RISC-V computing in Europe.
Taking place from June 24-28, 2024, the event will have a single track of keynotes, invited and selected talks, alongside an exhibition showcasing the latest developments across industry and research, including technology demonstrations and poster sessions. Submissions are invited either for the Research and Development sessions or the Industry sessions.
👩🔬 R&D Sessions
Academic and industry research & development presentations and posters.
🚀 Industry Sessions
Exciting large-scale research efforts, announcement and success-stories.
Any question whether a submission should apply for Research and Development or Industry sessions should be asked to the PC chairs at riscv-europe2024_pc@softconf.com before submitting. Please note, an abstract may not be submitted to both sessions.
Important dates
- Abstract submission deadline:
Monday, March 15th, 2024Wednesday, March 20th, 2024, AoE (Anywhere on Earth). Hard deadline, no further extension! - Author notification: Monday, April 29th, 2024.
- Final abstract PDF and slides deadline: Thursday, June 7th, 2024 AoE.
- Poster PDF deadline: June 14, 2024 AoE.
- RISC-V Summit Europe: June 24-28, 2024, Munich.
The Steering Committee aims to provide a limited budget for stipends. More information will be available on the conference website before the submission deadline.
Industry Sessions
We will also reserve a limited number of presentation slots to welcome submissions detailing large-scale research efforts, announcements, or commercial applications and products based on RISC-V, which are new or have recently become ready for real world deployment. This includes for example the following community-interest and trend-oriented topics:
- Technical presentations for new commercial products
- Technical presentations for new applications
- Technical success stories
- Policies, strategies, business and industry trends
- Overview presentations of publicly funded projects
- Spin-off experiences: from research to industry
- Important announcements related to RISC-V
Areas of interest include:
- HPC and Data Center
- Automotive
- Embedded / IoT
- Mobile
- AI / ML
- Software and Ecosystem
Submission Format for Industry sessions (non blind)
Submissions can be any length up to a two-page abstract. To improve chances of acceptance you should give a good impression of the content and important take-away points that can be expected from the presentation. Find full instructions for the industry session submission here.
As it is hard to hide authors for this type of contributions, submissions for the Industry sessions are for non-blind review by the Industry Session Committee. Make sure to name authors and their affiliation and please include a short bio of the lead presenter.
These submissions should highlight product RISC-V markets, policies, strategies, business and industry trends, or present publicly funded projects of interest to the RISC-V and open hardware community. Please avoid sales or marketing pitches.
Accepted abstracts, slides, and posters will be published on the event page, together with presentations, which will be recorded. The Program Committee will ask for the poster and/or presentation slides before the deadline to confirm the acceptance and give useful input.
Find full instructions for the industry session submission here.
Research and Development (R&D) Sessions
Submissions for the R&D Sessions must have a strong focus on technical content outlining for example:
- timely research advances,
- success stories,
- technical introduction to new technologies,
- experiences of contributions to, or adoption of RISC-V hardware and software in commercial, open-source or education environments.
We invite submissions related to RISC-V addressing the following technical topics of interest:
- Security and functional safety
- Energy efficiency and green computing
- High-performance computing
- Embedded systems, IoT, edge computing
- Automotive
- Cloud computing
- Open-source hardware and open silicon
- Operating system and software ecosystem
- Compilation and code optimization
- Open EDA tools
- Verification and formal methods
- Systems-on-Chip, cores, RISC-V ISA extensions, accelerators, peripherals
- Hardware/software co-design
- RISC-V related educational activities
- Any other topic related to RISC-V and open stack (hardware or software)
Submission Format for R&D sessions (blind)
The R&D submissions should be provided as a two page extended abstract. Abstract template and instructions for submission are available here.
Submissions for the Research and Development sessions are for blind review by the Program Committee. Please, do not include any author information in the abstract.
The committees will accept most contributions as posters and selected submissions for short or long presentations.
Accepted abstracts, slides, and posters will be published on the event page, together with presentations, which will be recorded. The Program Committee will ask for the poster and/or presentation slides before the deadline to confirm the acceptance and give useful input.
Suitable research & development submissions by industry will also be recommended for the talks slots of the industry sessions.